Mon 27 Jan
GORGEOUS & ELITE UPSCALE *****Entertainer ** At YoUr SeRvIcE~~~ OnLy ThE BeSt ~~ - 28
(Palm Springs, outcall Palm Desert & Surrounding/LA)
100% R▒e▒a▒l▒ ___ & ___ H▒o▒t ___ ██ P▒l▒e▒a▒s▒u▒r▒e▒____ & ____ M▒O▒R▒E▒___ P▒l▒e▒a▒s▒u▒r▒e▒!!! - 24
(Palm Springs, ♒♒ UR PLACE ♒OUTCALL SPECIALS ♒♒)
▀▀▀▀▀★JJ Desert SPA ★▀▀▀▀▀ ————Asian Beauty New feeling ▀▀▀▀▀(760)-770-8884————— - 24
(Palm Springs, I-10/Eeit#123 off Hwy 111 in The Vons pl)
▇🌠🌠▇█▇🌠🌠▇ 💖-$45/hr-Summer Special💖---Hot Spring massage_💖_----Yucca Massage 💖---- Dragon Massage - 26
(Palm Springs, 3==Location)
***Big Booty**** Puerto Rican Treat ,,,Palm Springs, indio and surrounding o/c only - 23
(your place...)
❤❤❤ BiG TiTs ❤❤❤ 36~DOUBLE Ds ❤❤❤ SUPER FREAK! ❤❤❤ LeTs GeT NASTY BaBy ❤❤❤ Available NOW ❤ - 24
(Palm Springs, Outcall all over- Cathedral City Incalls)
Bitesized> up late< 100% real No games or BS Available now - 22
(Palm Springs, n palm springs incall only)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, 1)
☑ 2 __ Girls ☑ who ___want ☑ 2 __ take ☑ their __ time __ with __ u!!!! - 24
(Palm Springs, Desert Cities)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ 100 HHR FLAWLESS °°•★•° BRUNETTE °°°•★•°° SLIM & SEXY ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 26
(Sherman Oaks, Sherman Oaks!)
Are you looking for me? 💋👍👌I am 💦🎁🍒waiting 💋 to satisfy you💋 - 22
(Palm Springs, Incall Palm Desert outcall all desert)
36B-24-36----- -----💯% Latina---- -------- Available: ALL DAY SAT-SUN------- ---ASK ABOUT SPECIALS! - 25
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert (WHERE IN CALLS AVAILABLE))
(2 girl specials K__I__N__K__Y __& __H__OT_(760) sExXy * hoT * cOLLeGe * * pLaYmA - 23
(Palm Springs, palmsdesert)
24/7___________ Asain_________ ____________ massage __________#@$% ______New - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
★ ★ ★ AbsoLuTEy AmAzINg ________ ITaliAn ______ BOMbsHeLL ★ ★ ★ - 25
(Palm Springs, Palm springs your place or mine!!!)
50/100/200 Big B00ty Small WaiSte Sexy FRہKY DOMINICAN EBONY MIX With Some Big Titties - - 22
(Palm Springs, All Desert Cities INCALL OUTCALLS)
760 848-9086 specials. $peciais.all day for only 80 - 23
(Palm Springs, embAssy suites. Palm desert)
5★ST☆R S€RViCE [❤×] YOU WiILL L♥VE My SKiLLs ★FLeXiBLe [×❤×] FETiSH LoVin [×❤×] NAUGHTY [×❤×] BLOnDE - 21
(Palm Springs, MY PLACE or YOUR PLACE)
~24HRS~ *NEW*(FoRbIdDeN AcCeSs)*NEW* >Julie The Badest< *ToTaL PaCkAgE* (Don't Miss Out) NEW - 27
(Palmdale, Palmdale/Lancaster/Santa Clarita/Rosamon)
🐞New★L✪✪K➜✪NEW ARRiVAL✪ Mature 🐞╠╣0T! ╠╣0T!🐞🐞BRUNETTE B0MBSHELL 🐞🐞╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! 🐞🐞 - 47
(Palm Springs, Palm springs/ rancho mirage)
ModelOffersNow .Com/ Adult Talent Search/ SEXY/ Implied/ $2000aWK starting NOW! - 25
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Ultra High End Escort Service Needs Companions for VIP Clientele - 44
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs)
BUSY Agency Seeks Sexy Ladies. Very Financially Rewarding $7000 to $10,000/week or tour - 35
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
Sun 12 Jan
hello gentlemen lets get the party started! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, 10 minutes away)
Sat 11 Jan
Pick ME!!!! Pick ME!!!! Real Girl!!! In Town for Tennis Tournament NO Games!! Just Pure Satisfaction - 26
let me make you feel Good !😻 White& Samoan with perfect body 😻 😍ALL NIGHT ⏰NON RUSH - 21
(Palm springs)
»——» N E W♥ [ 100% REAL ] »——» [ * Brazilian & Turkish * ] »——» [ Leaving Soon ]♥ »——» »——» - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert In-call)
😊▐▐▐▐ ► 💋🍎DELICIOUS LATINA 😊▐▐▐▐ ► 💋 SEXY 😊▐▐▐▐ ► INDEPENDENT ▐▐▐▐ ► UNRUSHED - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs INCALL)
☎ ☎ Highly Skilled * Highly Reviewed * Available by Request *Upscale * ☎ ☎ - 28
(Palm Springs, PALM DESERT COOK EXIT 10 FwY)
☆♡☆♡Charlie is ready to make your day!! ☆♡$80 SPECIAL☆♡ - 28
(Palm Springs, JT, Yucca, Morongo, Palm Springs areas)
***Cougars do it better!!*** ~ Available NOW ! ~ Outstanding reviews, 100% real pictures. *~ * - 47
(Palm Springs, palm springs, and surrounding areas)
★.•*¨¨*• :☆:-•* Lights -Camera - ACTION •-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*• •-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - 22
(Palm Springs, your place or mine)
GFE EROTICA!! VisitinG FoR A ShorT TimE! 100 SPECIAL!!! ExPlOsIvE eXpErIeNcE! gorgeous p*ssy - 21
(palm springs and surrounding areas)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
☆*•°* *°•*☆* CUTE FACE *☆*•°* *°•*☆* NICE BODY *☆*•°* *°•*☆* BLUE-EYED BLONDE *☆*•°* *°•*☆ - 25
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs Incall - Outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
Start your weekend with a BANG!! OUTCALL ONLY ! ** Outstanding Reviews !! 150% Real guaranteed!! - 48
(Palm Springs, and upscale surrounging areas)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In your arms ;))
LOOK!! ★ Sexy Babygirl ★ Ready 2 Play! ★Call Me NOW★ OutCall SPECIALS Tonight--Don't Miss Out - 23
(Palm Springs, in your BED baby!! * OutCall SPECIALS *)
✏️ 📘 _____ Local College Hottie_____ 📕 ✏️ _____💋💋 Hot Young & Ready For Fun 💋💋___________ - 22
(Palm Springs, Incall Rancho Mirage / Outcall all over)
BLONDE BOMSHELL 👅 T • I • G • H • T BODY 🍪S w E E T 🍒T / A / S / T / E my C * A * N * D * Y 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 - 24
(Palm Springs)
Enjoy the Sensational Pleasures of a True Beauty.... (a$k About Specials) - 31
(Palm Springs, In-Call, will consider out-calls)
..0Xox ..IM S0 Exquisite !!HOT Sexy & Wild ..xoX0..760)- 219- 4248 - 25
(Palm Springs, THOUSAND PALMS & all city Desert Resrot)
*PHOTO's* on Website SeDucTiVe and XpeRianced SinFul In Palm Springs Avail Now (new #) - 35
(Palm Springs Incall M-F,9-2 Outcall)
▓▓►♡ FeTiSH FRiEnDLy ExxOtiC hOttiE ♡◄▓▓▓►♡ AVAILABLE ALL DAY ♡ ◄▓▓▓►♡ CLASSY~ NO DRAMA ♡◄▓▓ - 19
(Palm Springs, incall & outcall specials)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy.♥. SweeT.♥. BeautifuLL.♥. New BLonde w Blue Eyes.♥. ALL AmericaN.♥. GiRL-Next-Door Gone WilD.♥. - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm desert/Palm springs/incall..outcall)
♥▃▅▆█ ❌⭕❌⭕SEXY EBONY♥ ♥▃▅▆█ ❌⭕100 HHR❌⭕ 💋♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ Outcalls 24/7 ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ - 22
(Palm Springs, All Over Desert Area)
✏️ School's Out! I JUST GRADUATED!! 🎓🌟______FRESH, YoUnG & READY to Learn what a MAN REALLY WANTS!___ - 18
(Palm Springs, YOUR PLACE // MY PLACE)
— ◆ ◆ ◆ — ——NEW — ★ HOT! ★ & SEXY ★ ——— ASIAN ——— GIRL —Candy ———★ Make You —VerY Happy —————— - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
Hi I'm Marisa here to please you palm desert near El Passeo - 26
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert near El Passeo)
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_ Y - - - 22
【 ---------------- ★┋ E ☓ ☓ ☓ O T I C ♔ M I N ☓ ☓ ☓ ┋★ ---------------- 】 - 24
(Incalls and Outcalls, Palm Springs)
Wed 08 Jan