Mon 06 Jan
~~>LOOK HERE ~~ New to The Desert ... Erotic Entertainment At Its Finest.. Let Me Please You - 27
(Palm Springs, Outcalls everywhere Incalls Palm Springs)
Young Sexy Puerto Rican With Tongue Ring Wants To Give You 100% PURE PLEASURE :-) - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
██▓▓██ W @ R N ! N G VERY ADDICTIVE! !Speacials °•*• »-- V.I.P TREATMENT» ██▓▓██ - 21
(Palm Springs, OUT/IN)
☀️☀️☀️☀️ Young Petite Blonde ☀️☀️ ☀️☀️Let's Party ☀️☀️☀️Looking for new friends ☀️☀️☀️ - 22
(INCALL & OUTCALL, Palm Springs)
🐱Tastes sweet like strawberries 👅🍓 ALL natural KINKY [√¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε] - 25
(Palm Springs, PSprings/ desert area)
❤ SuPeR SeXyEbony HoTTie ❤WiTh A PeRFecT BoDy ❤ 100 % ReaL - 22
🎉🎉Super Fun Party Girl🎉🎉 ~~Fantastic Titts ~~ Round Butt ~~ Sexy Brunette - 28
(Palm Springs, Outcalls All Over Incalls Palm Desert)
♒♒♒ ❤ Tiffany ❤ ♒♒♒ INCALLS AND OUTCALLS ♒♒♒ ❤ ♒♒♒ NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL ❤♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒❤ - 24
(Palm Springs, Outcall all over ♒♒♒ INCALL SPECIAL ♒♒♒)
💋❤️💘 Š_ Ę_☝️_ Ü_ Ç_ T_ Į_ Ø_ Ñ💘❤️💋 (NOT AN AGENCY)!! - 29
(Palm Springs, Selected Desert Areas Thru High Desert)
🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 Sweet. Sexy 💄 👍💄 👍 💄 👍 PRETTY Asian GIRL 💄 👌💄👌💄👌💄👌 Best OF Best 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅🌅 - 25
(Palm Springs, palm springs ca 760-620-3316)
* * S€XXƴ ŁADƴ R€ADƴ to MAK€ Y0U MΟAN!! * * {{{{ I D0NƬ JUST Ƭ€AS€.... ❥❥❥❥ I AŁWAƴS PŁ€AS€!! }}}} - 22
(Incalls and Outcalls, Palm Springs)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In your arms ;))
Sweet and Addictive! ... Busty Brunette ... Not In Town For Long!!! NEW PICS!!! - 25
(Palm Springs, Incalls And Outcalls)
special for 75.00 special seXy° °38dd° °SeDuCTiVE ° ° special wow!!!!!! 760-396-8184 - 29
(Palm Springs, palmdesert)
Sun 05 Jan
————————— ———————— █► §UP€R CoOL ReLaXaTioN ◀█ ——————— ————————— - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Btwn Saticoy St. & White Oak Ave.)
VANeSSA Hot& Spicy 100% real FIRE BOMB Hottie (760)977-0129 CALL NOW!!!SPECIALS** - 22
(Palm Springs, Palmdale/Landcaster/ Santa clarita)
(¯`'.¸; WoW!! wOw!! WoW!! & ¸.'´¯) » L(0)(0)Ks GooD »:EveN Better! - 760 702-2632 - 24
×°☆°× / Y _ O _ U _ ---- PLUS ------ M _ E // equals /×°☆°× __ A REALLY GOOD TIME - 24
(Palm Springs, Your place or mine)
~~~~~ SUPER ~~~~~ HOT ~~~~~ NEW ~~~~~ BABE ~~~~~ WAITING ~~~~~ TO ~~~~~ SEE ~~~~~ YOU - - 23
(Desert Cities)
❤❤❤ STOP YOUR SEARCH NOW ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ SUPER FREAK! ❤❤❤ LeTs GeT NASTY BaBy ❤❤❤ Available NOW ❤ - 24
(Palm Springs, Outcall all over- Cathedral City Incalls)
• ToP NoTcH!! •★• SeXy bLoNdE •★• {(ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!)} •★• - - 21
(Palm Springs, 29 palms La quinta Yucca Valley Palm Des)
✮♡✮ SweeT ♡♡♡ Petite ♡♡♡ YuMMy ♡♡♡ ENOugh ♡♡♡ To EAT ✮♡✮ - 21
(Outcall Specials Tonight ♡✮ incall too!, Palm Springs)
Super Busty Sexy blonde BOMBSHELL 💋 wanna get naughty - 28
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Costa Mesa, Downtown, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Inland Empire, Irvine, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, Pasad)
*** SEXY **.PROVIDER..** erotic/massage ** .mature and.** AMAZING **** outcall - 45
(all desert cities)
♥*♥*♥*♥ U_N_ F_O_R_ G_E_T_ A_B_L_E Experience *♥* Very Well Reviewed ♥*♥*♥*♥ - 23
(Palm Springs, Incall- Palm Springs Outcall- All Over)
** !! SO-CAL'S fInEsT ... gReAt ReViEwS !! sUpEr SeXy SpEcIaLs - 24
(Palm Springs, desert hot springs)
SEXy Erotic SINful Mature Woman avalible For ALL Your Desire's and Fantasy's IN or OUT Call - 53
(Orange County, Huntington beach/outcall only)
_S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* - _C_L_I_C_K * H_E_R_E_* 4T_H_E* B_E_S_T - 25
(Palm Springs)
😍 💝 S€Du¢Tiv€ €X0TI¢ GorGeouS Saigon PlayMates 💝 FB0D¥2B0D¥ §enMASSAGE »P®osT@te/To¥s - 20
PRiVaT3.. [[[ Pr3TTy]]] .. PoLiT3 [[[PRIC3LE$$]]] PRoVoCaTiVe... PlaYmaT3 - 22
(Palm Springs, INDIO IN/OUTCALL)
█▒❤▒█▒ petite LIL blonde ❤ *TOTAL FREAK* ❤ Hot ~ h0rny ❤ Up Late, Bored & Alone...Call Me! ▒█▒❤▒█ - 21
(Palm Springs, OuTCaLL SPECiALS !!)
💢PR€TT¥ BODY GODDESS💢。💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD。。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD💭💭💭💕 🌺uℓtiℳαtε ExOti© ρℓαγℳαtE🌺☎️CALL ME - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs / Desert Cities)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Pick your Asian girl Enjoy ! - 23
(Palm Springs, palm springs /cathedral / rancho mirage)
°o♥o° N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOnS °o♥o° GeNtLeMaN's #1FaNtAcY - 19
(Palm Springs, All Over My Sexy Body)
** Sexxy LatinASSS ~~ Private Discrete Location For In-Call (Near I~10 Freeway) - 21
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
Palm Desert Incall 2Night Only♥*♥*♥*♥ Sexy, Wild & Ready *♥* Very Well Reviewed ♥*♥*♥*♥ - 25
(Palm Springs, Incall- Palm Desert Outcall- All Over)
~*~*~PLEASURE *** SEEKERS *** DELIGHT~*~*~* Call HONEY Tonight!! ~*~*~ - 40
(Palm Springs, Palm Spring to Indio - plus)
*** SeDuCtiVe ** SimPly ** BeauTiF UL ** Erotic/massage ** LOOK ** /in or out - 45
(all desert cities)
* * * ___ PLEASURE_____ AWAITS____ YOU!! * * * * INDEPENDENT provider :-) - 25
(Palm Springs, outcall/)
➖➖💗➖➖💗➖ NEW GIRLS 🚘🚘🚘🍎Sweet Asian soothing relaxing ➖💗➖➖💗➖ 760-327-8698➖💗➖➖💗➖➖ - 24
(345, E. Tachevah Dr #3 palm springs CA, Palm Springs)
{❤} PaSSion & PLEaSuRe at its FINESt {❤} BuSTy {❤} OpEN-MinDeD {❤} Just ViSiTiNG*dON'T MISS oUt! {❤} - 22
(Palm Springs, Incall or Outcall)
r~*~* Beautiful... Experienced.. and . Talented ...24/7 100hhr special - 41
(Inland Empire, lake elsinore)
——▓█ PERFECT BODY TO BODY 38D with Free Shower by Busty Asian Beauty - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
°(( ✰ P E R F E C T ✰ )) (( ✰ B O M B S H E L L ✰ )) ° - 24
(Inland Empire, Corona INcall 91FwY)
New! BLONDE Dutch-German BOMBER Pilot That Knows How To Drop Her ATOMIC BOMB BUTT On You! - 40
(Palm Springs)
✘✘✘ S E X. X. X.Y & W.I.L.D Beauty ... TIGHT Body ... ALL DAY SPECiAlS .... ✘✘✘ 100% REAL PICS - 23
Mature blonde, 100% real NO BS! Great reviews, New Pics!~ - 50
(p.s. & surrounding upscale areas, Palm Springs)
L✪✪K ☞ ((PRETTY FaCe ❤))~(( Tiny Waist ❤)) ~ ((ComE)) get a ((ߑTaste)) ☆ ☆ INCALL SPECIALS ☆ ☆ - 24
(MY PLACE // YOUR PLACE -- NO DRIVER!, Palm Springs)
Kinky Fun! Open - Minded! Discreet & Sexy! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In your arms ;))